No Nonsense Christianity

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No Nonsense Christianity

[email protected]


If God foreknows us, and has chosen us unto salvation, having predestined us, why do we preach the gospel? If God already knows who is going to be saved, and won't fail to save those he foreknows, what is the point?

In this video, I explain that preaching the gospel is integral to predestination.

Predestination seems like a complicated word because it's largely a Christian word, secular philosophy instead uses terms such as "fatalism" or "predetermination". As such, the danger then is that we have the habit of defining the word by what our doctrines and preconceived ideas say it ought to mean, rather than letting the Bible define it for us, but even when we try to do the latter, it can be a complicated subject.

In the debate between hardline freewill and hardline sovereignty, freewill is often used as an innate resolution to various philosophical problems such as whether God created evil, or whether man can choose to accept the gospel or not. In this video, I do not advocate strongly for an anti-freewill position but I do assert that freewill doesn't actually fix these sorts of problems.

Jesus said, "if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" - how is this consistent with forgiveness of all sins by grace and not works? This video is a longer explanation than I anticipated, because we need to understand different applications of forgiveness before we can answer this.

Link to the playlist:

Believer featured in this video: David Houghton

Software used:
OBS Studio (Recording)
Google Slides (Presentation)
Da Vinci Resolve (Editing)

Chosen Charlies often focus on John 6 to say that God only draws certain men. Freewill Freddies focus on John 12 to say that God draws all men. However, there are some fundamental misunderstandings that people overlook about how men are being drawn in these different chapters.

Link to series playlist:

There have been some sharp and unresolved disputes between some members of freewill-leaning Free Grace (such as Gregg Jackson, JackSmack and Toronto Bible Study) and a couple of Sovereign Gracers (mainly TruthSpeller and DestroyingTheWorksOfTheDevil.

I have mutual subscribers with these channels, some who have anathemetised one side or the other, and have even had arguments in my video comments.

Furthermore, I featured all of the aforementioned channels in my second documentary, one or two people expressed dissatisfaction with me doing so. In this video I will explain why I am not part of these feuds, don't wish to be, and why I would not anathemetise either side over this topic.

Series playlist:

A lot of Christians struggle to wrestle with the question of whether everybody has a fair chance to hear the gospel and whether God is unfair to judge those who haven't heard. Sometimes, freewill is as the resolution this, however I assert that freewill doesn't really solve this problem, rather it is predestination that solves this problem.

Series playlist:

The question of whether we actually have freewill or not, is not entirely unique to Christian philosophy. The secular world has philosophies dealing with the same question. If we do have freewill, it brings to question if election ad predestination has any real or useful meaning. If we don't have freewill, how do we hold one another accountable for anything? This is a complex problem. I do not say that man kind does not have his own "will", my question would be, "how 'free' is that will, exactly?" given that we were in bondage to sin, and the deceptions of Satan.

Series playlist:

Paul says (quoting Psalms), "there is none that seeks after God". However Jesus said, "seek and you shall find". In this video, I attempt to answer the question of whether anybody does indeed seek after God.

Series playlist:

There are many references in the Bible to the will of God. The Freewill view is that God "wants" a lot of things but won't always get them. The Election view is that God is very specific about what he wants, and always gets what He wants.

The answer to this question might vary depending on who is carrying out the will of God.

Series playlist:

The Freewill Freddies and Chosen Charlies get into various arguments about what the word "all" means, whether Jesus died for all (every single person in existence) or he died for all the elect (every believer/tongue/tribe/nation).

The word "all" is a simple word, it shouldn't be that complicated to understand, but it does have context as to how it applies and the same author/book may use it in different ways even within the same chapter.

Series playlist:

The Bible describes the saints as "chosen" and "elect". This suggests that God "chooses" us for salvation. But how? And why? Why does He choose one person and not another? In this discourse I talk about the criteria for election.

Series playlist:

One of the contentions between Arminianists (and by extension, other Freewill Freddies) versus the Calvinists (and by extension, other Chosen Charlies) is the issue of unlimited and limited atonement. This extends into various questions like, "who did Christ die for?" (did he die only for the elect, or for all believers?). I don't agree with the premise of the argument so in this video I talk about what atonement actually means, and therefore by definition, who has had their sins atoned for.

Series playlist:

I often get comments opposing my stances on repentance, naturally very few of the people comment actually bother to listen to anything I say before they post their nauseating drivel. In this video I'm striking back, with indignation.

Link to the series playlist:

Recorded using OBS Studio
Edited using Da Vinci Resolve
Presented using Google Slides

Acts chapter 3 is similar to chapter 2 in many ways, but worded very differently. Peter is preaching Christ and accuses the audience of crucifying Him, yet He rose again. But this passage is often misconstrued to mean turning from a sinful lifestyle. We will consider what is wrong with such misinterpretation and examine why chapter 3 is worded quite differently from chapter 2 even though there are similar themes.

Believer featured in this video: David Houghton
Software used in this video: OBS Studio (recording), Da Vinci Resolve (editing), Google Slides (presentations)
You can download a copy of this video using DVDVideoSoft (download/install) or (online)

See the full playlist:
View/download the slides:

#repentance #repent #repentorperish

A passage often used to show that repentance means turning from sin, we establish the irony of using a passage that is talking about Jesus to then suddenly make it all about you. Luke 24:47 doesn't warrant having it's own passage as Jesus was not telling people to repent, he was instructing his disciples to preach repentance beginning at Jerusalem, which we then see fulfilled in Acts 2:38.

Believer featured in this video: David Houghton
Software used in this video: OBS Studio (recording), Da Vinci Resolve (editing), Google Slides (presentations)
You can download a copy of this video using DVDVideoSoft or

See the full playlist:
View/download the slides:

Sometimes Christians will try to substantiate the repent-of-sins "gospel message" (so-called), by referring to the dictionary definition of the word. In this video we will look at the pros and cons of using a dictionary to define words like this, and the problem with words changing their definition overtime in Hebrew, Greek and English.

Merriam webster:
KJV Concordance:
Biblehub Hebrew Concordance:
Biblehub Greek Concordance: (Greek Septuagint translation of the Old Testament):
Septuagint Greek/English interlinear on

DISCLAIMER: The King James Bible is sourced from the Hebrew Old Testament (Masoretic Text), many modern Bibles borrow from or even favor the Greek Septuagint text. I do not advocate the Septuagint as the "correct" source of Old Testament text, but it is useful tool to see how early Greek scribes translated the equivalent Hebrew.

Believer featured in this video: David Houghton
Software used in this video: OBS Studio (recording), Da Vinci Resolve (editing), Google Slides (presentations)
You can download a copy of this video using DVDVideoSoft (download/install) or (online)

See the full playlist:
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#repentance #repent #repentorperish

The Hebrew Old Testament contains many verses about God repenting, which is often used to refute the notion that repentance always means turning from sin. This is rebutted by stating that God's "repentance" is a different Hebrew word than when man is told to repent from sin. The Jews also have the doctrine of "Teshuvah" which is their "repentance of sin".

In this video, we will explore the Hebrew words underpinning repentance in the Old Testament and see how it is translated into the English King James Bible. We will see where both God and man "repent" on non-sin related issues.

Repentance In A Nutshell, episode 21.

Believer featured in this video: David Houghton
Software used in this video: OBS Studio (recording), Da Vinci Resolve (editing), Google Slides (presentations)
You can download a copy of this video using DVDVideoSoft (download/install) or (online)

See the full playlist:
View/download the slides:

#repentance #repent #repentorperish

You will very often hear Christians use terms like "truly believe", or "genuinely repent" or "you don't really believe". In this video we will examine the absurdity of using these adverbs ad nauseum.

Free masonry is not a subject I would normally talk about for various reasons, but it is a big issue for a lot of Christians. Bro. Steve Mitchell reached out to No Nonsense Christianity (David Houghton) via email after seeing the first Repent Of Your Sins documentary, and wanted to discuss this issue via video call since most Christians he has spoken to have brushed him off. In this interview I gave him the opportunity to share his research with my regular audience.

Documentary by Robert Clancy
Charles Spurgeon Uncensored (Facebook)
Book of the law, Aleister Crowley:
Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike
The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey
Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry
The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P Hall

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:18 - Who are the Freemasons?
00:12:28 - Why talk about this topic?
00:19:39 - Are you looking to entrap/accuse people? (confirmation bias)
00:23:38 - What are the handsigns? (Steve also discusses the Oath)
00:31:50 - Could innocent people accidentally do masonic signs?
00:40:08 - Why would "Christians" be Freemasons?
00:44:48 - Tangible example, how one person can singlehandedly control a lot of people, and Man of Sin themes
00:53:47 - Are we seen as "useful idiots"?
00:56:44 - Why would somebody be a Freemason
01:00:55 - Non-elite Freemasons
01:04:50 - What if a Christian "pretended" to be a Freemason for some gain or semi-legitimate reason?
01:06:57 - Freema..

It doesn't matter how many dozens and dozens of grace/faith without works verses there are in the Bible, because in the end, false prophets really only care about James 2.

In this study, we will look at the history of Bible translations that have partially led to a false understanding of repentance, particularly how they (mis)translate some passages. This issue isn't exclusively reserved to modern translations though.

I apologise that this is a very long video, I originally started this series titling it "In A Nutshell" because each video was supposed to be short, but you know how I tend to over explain things. I was tempted to split this into three separate videos but it took me several hours to do the editing, it would have been rendered a waste of time if I had to make changes and I have very limited time to work on content.

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:02:05 - Jerome's Latin Vulgate
00:07:30 - Wycliffe's Bible (Pre-Reformation)
00:10:03 - Erasmus's revisions
00:14:49 - Reformation era Bibles (TYN, MB, GB/BB, GNV)
00:22:38 - Modern era Bibles (ESV)
00:24:25 - Interpretations vs translations (NIV, CEV)
00:30:36 - Heretical translations (NWT, TCW)
00:33:44 - Annotated & simplified translations (AMP, NLT)
00:37:56 - Questionable literal translations (YLT)
00:40:27 - Removing non-sin repentance proof passages
00:47:17 - Heretical paraphrases (MSG, TPT, Mirror)
00:56:34 - One-man translations (Rooted Word)
00:50:35 - Conclusion and King James Onlyism

Further reading:
The uses of resipiscere in the Latin of Erasmus: in the Gospels and beyond.:
The Wycliffe Bible PDF:

Link to the presentations:

Playlist with all videos in the series:

Software used to make this video:
- OBS studio (recording)
- Google Slides (presentation)
- Da Vinci Resolve (editing)

Presented by David Houghton

I did an interview with James quite a while ago to make some footage for the second ROYS documentary, although I used very little footage from it in the end. My audio wasn't been recorded and James often goes on tangents with his answers, so I can't remember all of the questions I asked .

A minority of Christians, particularly of the Hebrew Roots persuasion, believe that Paul was a false apostle because they hate his preaching of salvation by grace, not works.


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

98 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I am not a man of high academic or theological stature, I do not run a formal ministry. I have one goal, to make the Bible and the path to salvation simple to understand for the ordinary man, and debunk nonsensical doctrines and damnable heresies.

- Jesus is the only name under heaven that brings salvation
- Salvation by grace through faith, not of works (faith in the "right" Jesus, not "another Jesus")
- "Repent of your sins to be saved" is a false gospel
- Eternal security and earthly chastisement of the believer
- Undeniable trinity (as understood by most fundamentalists and evangelicals)
- Textus Receptus (KJV) only
- Rejection of judaization and ecumenicism
- The Earth is a globe, but God made it in six days

Email address: [email protected]